
You recognize the challenges and issues facing Montana communities with the overpopulation of pets and unwanted animals. You can help us in several ways:

  • Donate to our organization to help us carry out our mission and provide services to our community.

Sponsor a Spay or Neuter!
$25 will neuter two cats, $25 will spay a dog, $30 will spay two cats, $50 will spay two dogs and $50 will neuter four cats and, $15.00 will sponsor a vaccination.

  • Make a financial contribution by donating your gift directly to Spay Montana.
Donate to Spay Montana!
  • Donate equipment or the funds to purchase needed equipment and supplies to Spay Montana
  • Review our “wish list” of needed equipment and supplies below.
  •      New Ultrasonic instrument cleaner $500.00.  Used Pelton Crane Autoclave (reconditioned) $3000.00
  • Gift cards for office supplies are always helpful and very much appreciated.
  • Volunteer your time and/or services to Spay Montana

Please send us a message on our contact page, or call Sandy Newton, Executive Director (406) 431.4996