They can't add or subtract, but they sure can multiply!
You recognize the challenges and issues facing Montana communities with the overpopulation of pets and unwanted animals. You can help us in several ways:
Donate to our organization to help us carry out our mission and provide services to our community.
Sponsor a Spay or Neuter!
$25 will neuter two cats, $25 will spay a dog, $30 will spay two cats, $50 will spay two dogs and $50 will neuter four cats and, $15.00 will sponsor a vaccination.
Make a financial contribution by donating your gift directly to Spay Montana.
Donate to Spay Montana!
Donate equipment or the funds to purchase needed equipment and supplies to Spay Montana
Review our “wish list” of needed equipment and supplies below.
New Ultrasonic instrument cleaner $500.00. Used Pelton Crane Autoclave (reconditioned) $3000.00
Gift cards for office supplies are always helpful and very much appreciated.
Volunteer your time and/or services to Spay Montana
Please send us a message on our contact page, or call Sandy Newton, Executive Director (406) 431.4996