Helena Spay/Neuter Clinics
Helena clinic cost is $40 for cats, $60 for dogs unless you are under the income limit
Vaccinations for people getting spay/Neuter – $10 – 1 shot, $15 – 2 shots if animal is also having a procedure. If no procedure scheduled, there will be an additional $5 charge.
- Procedure and Vaccines – cash or check only – option to pay online.
- Please bring your pet’s vaccination records
- Cats in carriers/box with holes – one box per cat
- Be prepared for long waits bring snacks, water for yourself
- Bring clean towel or blanket to keep warm after procedure and on way home
- Keep pets inside and warm for 2-3 days
- Nursing mothers – bring pups or kittens with mother
- Presurgery
– AM appt no food after 8pm – water is ok
– PM appt no food after midnight –water is ok - If unable to show please call ahead to allow for someone to take you spot
- Appointment is not a guarantee of a procedure – if Vet determines not safe/appropriate
- You may not be seen in the order you arrive
- Donations greatly appreciated!